Media Centre

Updating the latest information on J-AGRI.
Please utilise for interviews, articles, and featured publications.

About Press Registration

Those wishing to have coverage of this exhibition must register as a press visitor.

Please be sure to complete your registration, as anyone without registration will not be admitted to the venue.
(If your visit is not for media coverage, please register as a general visitor)

Please review the "Additional Terms of Service for Press and Media Participants" provided below prior to proceeding with your Press Pre-registration.
By completing your registration, you shall consent to these terms.

After confirming the above, please register below.

Download Logo

Utilse J-AGRI logos for your articles, banners, website, etc.


A: You can search for exhibitors & exhibits on Exhibitor Directory. 

Click here for more details (KYUSHU, 2025)
Click here for more details (TOKYO, 2024)

A: Please register as a press visitor from email below.
  mailto: [email protected]

A: Contact us for details.
  E-mail: [email protected]  TEL: +81-3-6739-4111

A: Upon on-site registration at the press room, please collect an arm band from the press receptionist and wear it at all time when carrying out any photography or filming. If you would like to take a bird's eye view photo or video of the show ground, please contact the PR representatives of the show in advance.

A: Show Management does not support VISAs for press visitors. Please refer to the "Guide to Japanese Visas" on the website of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan Please note that the necessity of a visa varies by nationality of the visitors. For particular details, please contact your nearest Japanese diplomatic mission directly.

A: Visit our official website, "Previous Show(KYUSHU, 2024)" , "Previous Show(TOKYO, 2024)" or "Download Logo" page. For additional information or inquiries, please contact the PR representatives of the show.
Contact: E-mail: [email protected] TEL: +81-3-6739-4111

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